The Think Tank #2: Tap Into Your Writing Genius

As the world becomes more authority driven it becomes harder to consider yourself a genius. Let me tell you right now though you are a genius! You might think I’m joking but I’m absolutely serious. All you need to do is be able to tap into your writing genius.

From a young age we are brought up to be normal and conform to the image the media presents us. However when you think of geniuses you think of the likes of Da Vinci, Mozart, Einstein and Van Gogh. None of these people were conformists. Would a conformist cut off his own ear? Having said that would you describe someone who mutilated themselves a genius?

 tap into your writing geniusPlease recognise that describing anyone as a genius is somewhat incorrect. Rather a person displays “genius” qualities. As intelligent a man as Einstein was when it came to physics, if you asked him to create a sculptural masterpiece he’d have been unable to do so.

How To Tap Into My Writing Genius?

For starters you’ve found and are taking in every scrap of information provided to better yourself. That’s exactly what geniuses do, they try to take in as much information as possible and channel it into something creative. So you’ve already taken perhaps the biggest step to tap into your writing genius.

To really tap into your writing genius though you need to do a few things. First of all you need to empty your mind of all thoughts. To do this you need to be alone in a quite area. Try going for a walk in a peaceful area or meditating.


Clear all the clutter out of your mind. Visualize a black empty space of nothingness in front of you. This is your world. Your world in which you are happy, relaxed and content. You can feel the gentle warmth of relaxation filling your body. When you are ready, slowly and calmly say to yourself:

I am a genius.

Over and over, until the words become meaningless and lose sense. Repeat this process between three and five times a day for a week. You will find that your inner confidence levels rise and your mind will allow all the creativity inside you to flow with ease, words will flow straight from your mind to the paper or computer in front of you.

As a creative exercise I want you to create a character or situation that is 100 percent real. It does not need to be real or have really happened in this world, but it will be real in your world. Mould your creation from a smudge into an image of crystal clarity. Write down the character or situation you see in your world and read it over. Notice how real it appears. Make small, tiny edits until every word cannot be argued against.

This is your vision, the essence of your genius. If you write something that is real to you then it will become real for the reader. Believe in yourself because you are every bit as much a genius as Da Vinci, Mozart, Einstein or Van Gogh.

You are a genius. Now go tap into your writing genius!

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