How To Stop Writer’s Block
How To Stop Writer’s Block…
Writer’s block is a scriptwriter’s worst nightmare. As a scriptwriter there is nothing worse than sitting down with the intention of completing 10 pages of your script only to achieve absolutely nothing. You leave the writing session feeling depressed and angry at yourself. This can snowball next day when you realise you are 10 pages behind schedule.
There are many causes of writer’s block. Some people get it because they subconsciously fear finishing their script because they won’t know what to do next. Others seemingly lose the ability to transfer the thoughts in their head onto the page. Others believe that writer’s block is caused by the relationship between the conscious and subconscious. Because scriptwriting is a creative process the subconscious mind is constantly solving problems while the conscious (slower and with a worse memory) mind is trying to play catch up.
As many causes as there are of writer’s block, there are probably even more cures. Everyone of them is a perfectly viable option for a scriptwriter, different cures work for different people. You just need to try each one, see what works for you and above all stick to writing. Although if you find yourself turning into Jack Nicholson in The Shining maybe it would be a good idea to take a little break!
Go for a walk
Forget your problems and go for a walk. While you’re relaxing your subconscious mind will be feeding your conscious mind the information it needs to catch up.
- Mind writing
Get a pen and piece of paper and just write whatever comes to mind. You could write about what you had for breakfast that morning or why you need to try a new laundry service. This keeps you in the swing of writing and allows your ideas to flow onto the page without you needing to critique them for content since no-one else will ever read them.
- Look for inspiration in other scripts
If you can’t write than you can always read. Again this keeps the mind “in the game” of scriptwriting without unduly taxing it.
- Hypnosis or meditation
I’m a great proponent in hypnosis and meditation. Doing these mental exercises can relieve stress and pressure and allow the creativity of the brain to flow freely again. I personally recommend a hypnosis session from HypnoBusters called Writer’s Block Hypnosis. It’s available in MP3 format so you can download it instantly.
- Get out of your rut
As a scriptwriter you need to be constantly challenging your brain. The minute you develop into a routine the mind starts getting lazy. If you listen to the radio while you write your script, change the station. If you have the inclination go sky diving, anything that’s different and fresh will help spark the creative process. You might even meet an interesting character or two!
- Take a break
I normally prefer to write my way through writer’s block but sometimes this is the only option. Put your scriptwriting on hold for a few days and get some R n’ R then return to your writing.
Above all, don’t give up! Your script won’t write itself!
Please CLICK HERE For Details Of Writer’s Block Hypnotherapy